Where All Of The Snowmado Locations Are On the Fortnite Map

In the winterfest update in fortnite new Snowmando places were added to the fortnite map. At these locations you can get planes that you can fly and there are also challenges that you need to complete if you do visit these places. First if you search 5 chests at the Snowmando locations you will get a green Christmas themed shield backbling. If you visit all 5 of these locations you will get a free winterfest loading screen. All of them are scattered around the map but here is the location all of them, the first one is to the left of Pleasant Park. The second one is to the left of Logjam Woodworks, there is also one to the bottom of Steamy Stacks, there is also one next to the road in-between Weeping Woods and Slurpy Swamp. Finally the main base is on top of the mountain to the bottom of Catty Corner. So hopefully you can finish all of the challenges associated to these Snowmando locations because hey are pretty cool.

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