Fortnite Aquaman Challenges

Follow this guide to finish your Aquaman Challenges in no time!

  1. Use a whirlpool at the Fortilla, for this challenge just land at the Fortilla and go into the whirlpool
  2. Use a fishing pole to ride a shark at Sweaty Sands for this challenge you can either land at Sweaty Sands get a fishing pole and find a shark to ride or find a shark somewhere else bring it to Sweaty Sands and get off and on it again
  3. Catch different types of fish in a single match (2) for this challenge just get a fishing pole and fish for two different types of fish, easy.
  4. Complete swim time trial at Dirty Docks for this challenge land at Dirty Docks and look for a blue symbol, once you have swam past it a trail of blue symbols will show up. Swim through all of them!
  5. Collect your trident at Coral Cove for this challenge land at Coral Cove once you are there you should see a trident on a rock there you shall claim your trident. Keep in mind for completing this challenge you will receive Aquaman
  6. The last challenge is to dive over Gorgeous Gorge while wearing the Aquaman outfit Gorgeous Gorge is the waterfall near Lazy lake. This challenge is to claim your second style of Aquaman

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