How to Complete Thor’s Awakening Challenges

This season to get every built-in emote for all of the marvel battlepass skins you must complete a set of 3 challenges. Luckily most of these challenges are easy, so here are Thor’s

  1. For this challenge you must claim Mojolnir in the big crater with Mojolnir in the middle near Salty Springs.

2. Visit Bifrost Marks as Thor. For this challenge visit the hill that has all the bifrost marks. You know that it is the right hill when you see the wooden house and the burned bifrost marks on the ground. You can find this hill near the old henchman base near Weeping Woods.

3. Deal 100 damage with Mojolnir. for this challenge you need to equip Mojolnir as a pickaxe and deal 100 damage with it. For this challenge I recommend doing it in Team Ruble since you can respawn and since most of the people who play Team Rumble are bots. No offense to anyone who likes to play Team Rumble.

4. The last challenge for Thor’s Awakening Challenges is to do an emote on top of the mountain directly south of Misty Meadows, you will know it is the right mountain when you can see the rocks on top and when you try emoting the only emote you see is the God Of Thunder emote which transforms you into Thor’s almighty version. Once you have done this you have officially finished Thor’s Awakening Challenges and you have recieved the God Of Thunder built-in emote for Thor.

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