How To Do The Ignite and Dance at a Tomato Shrine Near Pizza Pit or Pizza Food Truck

After you had to find the basket of tomatoes at a nearby farm the next stage to this challenge was to Ignite and Dance at a Tomato Shrine near Pizza Pit or Pizza Food Truck. Here is how to complete this challenge. There are 2 places om the map where you can go to to complete this challenge. The first is at the Pizza Pit, Pizza Pit is at the Orchard landmark, once you are there first go into the building and go up the stars, then go to the top right corner of the building and there you will see the shrine, so there you must interact with it and then just do an emote and your challenge should be completed. The next place where you can complete this challenge is at the Pizza Food Truck. The Pizza Food Truck is to the south of the gas station near Misty Meadows. Once you are there just go to the shrine next to the tree. All in all I hope this helped you complete your challenge.