There Are A Lot Of OG Things In Tonight’s Item Shop

In last nights item shop many OG things came back. First is the Recon Expert, this originally was the rarest skin in the game but since it came back it has been coming out about every month. Also came the OG default skins. These skins came out last season, all of these skins are sold for 800 vbucks and they come with two styles. One being the old chapter 1 default skins and the super OG styles that all varied in color like red, green, etc. What also came with the default skins was the O.G. glider that is 500 vbucks. I actually kind it quite weird that all of these used to be OG skins are back in the item shop in the featured section. But, personally I think that this may be a Easter egg to something big coming up in the future.